Form Of Gratitude For Firefighters Dept Anniversary, Bobby Nasution Planted 2,000 Tree Seeds

JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution planted 2,000 tree seedlings in the series of events for the 102nd Fire and Rescue Anniversary event in 2021. He shared this moment on his Instagram account, @bobbynst, Monday, March 1.

"In addition, as a form of gratitude for the Firefighting Anniversary, we planted 2,000 tree seedlings," said Bobby as quoted by VOI.

He explained that firefighters are not only tasked with extinguishing fires. More broadly, firefighters have a very large and noble duty to save all citizens.

"Especially in the adaptation period for this new habit, we really need the professional, independent, and serving firefighters," he said.

"At the 102nd Indonesian Fire and Rescue Anniversary this year, through a virtual ceremony, I would like to convey my appreciation to all firefighters for their service so far. Not to forget, I also emphasized the message to strengthen collaboration to all parties on that occasion," he added.

Reporting from the official website of the Medan City Government, Bobby participated in this ceremony virtually in the Command Center Room of the Medan Mayor's Office.

This ceremony was chaired by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. This commemoration has the theme "Professional, Independent, and Serving Fire and Rescue in Support of New Habit Adaptation".

Bobby attended the ceremony wearing the Type I Firefighters Special Ceremony Service (PDUK) in dark blue.

When giving directions in a ceremony that was attended virtually by governors, regents/mayors throughout Indonesia, Tito said, the challenge of fire and rescue hazards remained at all times, whether in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic or not.

In this pandemic condition, said Tito, firefighters must adjust to new habits. This means that health protocols must also be carried out in both suppression and rescue tasks.

Firefighters, continued Tito, must also help efforts to contain transmission by setting an example for the community. Health protocol equipment must always be on duty or off duty.

To the firefighters, Tito advised them to continue to self-reflect and develop innovations so that they become a part that is loved by the public. Because the duty of firefighting and rescue is very noble and full of challenges.

Tito hopes that officers will not only be responsive and move quickly in extinguishing fires, but also proactively take preventative measures.

One of the prevention efforts, which of course requires the support of the regional head, is that the fire department is also assigned to carry out feasibility studies on various building constructions. The study is needed to ensure that the developer meets the fire mitigation and prevention criteria.

In addition, Tito also advised firefighters to develop specific capabilities in accordance with the rescue challenges in their respective areas. Not only focusing on fire hazards, but also other rescue efforts and synergizing with other agencies.