Donald Trump Signaling To Advance For The 2024 US Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Former US President Donald Trump on Sunday hinted at the possibility of running for president again in 2024, against President Joe Biden, and reiterating his fraudulent claim that he won the 2020 election in his first appearance since leaving the White House nearly six weeks ago.

“The proud and hardworking American patriot movement has only just begun, and in the end, we will win. We will win," Trump said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, February 28, local time.

Refusing to admit that he lost the November 3, 2020 United States Presidential Election, Trump gave undercutting criticism of the Joe Biden administration while suggesting he would run again in the 2024 US presidential election.

"But who knows, who knows, I might even decide to beat them a third time (in the US Presidential Election)," Trump said at the event in Florida state.

Trump also touched on the internal problems of the Republican Party, which later illustrated the feud between Trump loyalists and party loyalists such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump even had time to quip in the media with McConnell.

However, on this occasion Trump declared the Republican Party united. And, he insisted he had no plans to launch a new party, an idea he had discussed with advisers in recent months.

"We are not starting a new party. We have the Republican Party. It will unite and become stronger than ever. I didn't start a party,” he said.

The poll of CPAC conference attendees gave Donald Trump strong support with 55 percent saying they would vote for him in the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was in second place with 21 percent.

Without Trump, DeSantis leads with 43 percent, and other potential Republican candidates only have single digits.

But not everyone supports Trump. A separate question in the poll asked whether Trump should run again in 2024 and it produced mixed results, with 68 percent saying he should run and 32 percent saying he was against or had no opinion.