Getting To Know Interactions And Parasocial Relations, Establishing Entanglement Through Social Media Is It Healthy?
Illustration of interactions and social relations (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA A social relationship is a relationship made by social media users with their persona or idol accounts. Such as fans with celebrities, fictional animated characters, influencers, television shows, films, and other characters.

In a psychiatric journal, the first Parasocial Relationship was discussed by Donald total and R. Richard Wohl in 1956 in Mass Communication and Para-Social Interaction: Observations on Intimacy at a Distance. This concept of social relations is associated with the same pattern of interaction in space, called parasocial.

Parasocial interactions are defined as giving and receiving conversations between media users and media persona. Parasocial relationships may not go beyond the relationship in real life. But parasocial interaction occurs exclusively when a person interacts through social media and psychologically resembles face-to-face interactions in real life. Although social relationships and social interactions are related, they are both different concepts, reported by VerywellMind, Friday, February 16.

The concept of social relationship or connection has been expanded by media psychologist Gayle Stever to include parasocial entanglement. Based on the theory of entanglement by Bowlby, social attachment occurs when the media persona becomes a source of comfort, a sense of security, and a safe haven. Such as interaction and social relations, social attachment serves similarly to entanglement in real life and, therefore, an important component of social attachment is the quest for closeness.

So does social relations have a bad impact on everyday life? This relationship can have an impact in several ways that may be negative in nature. In research, finding that having a social relationship with media figures can affect political views, voting decisions, consumptive behavior, attitudes about gender stereotypes, and belief in various groups of people, for example scientists. This influence can be positive or negative, depending on whether this relationship is positive or negative.

Sometimes, social relationships have benefits. Among other things, such as increasing feelings of belonging, self-confidence, belief in self-efficacy, and stronger feelings. Other positive impacts, such as reducing loneliness and stronger social relationships.

Simply put, a person's persona can give a certain impression that causes a person to think about himself outside of interaction. Parasocial interaction itself, leads to a social relationship. If the social relationship is strengthened by further parasocial interaction, it leads to social attachment.

Because establishing relationships through the media tends to be one-way, especially between fans and their idols, important boundaries are a guide. Including ethical values in embedding comments in portraits uploaded by an idol. Healthy or not, depending on how a person interacts with his idol and a conscious limit between relationships on social media and real life.

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