MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution emphasized the importance of complaint services for illegal levies (extortion). This service is also intended to follow up in the event of extortion in the provision of basic food assistance to the community.

"Special attention needs to be taken to prevent extortion during the distribution of basic needs to the community", said Bobby Nasution in a statement from the Medan City Government Communications and Information Office, Tuesday, November 9.

Bobby Nasution explained to make it easier for the people of Medan City to submit complaints related to illegal extortion in the community, the Medan City extortion saber team has created a digitalization-based complaint service.

The goal is to make it easier for people to submit complaints through their smartphones.

"If there is no optimal complaint service, it will be difficult for the authorities to obtain information on the occurrence of extortion", said Bobby Nasution.

However, he admitted that currently, the complaint application is still in the trial stage. However, it will continue to be improved to make it easier for people to use it.

"That way it will be easier for people to use this application to submit complaints", said Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the North Sumatra Province Saber Extortion UPP, Kombes Armia Fahmi supported the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution and the Medan City saber extortion team.

The Mayor of Medan is said to have made many breakthroughs in terms of eradicating extortion in the city of Medan.

"I appreciate the breakthroughs made by the Mayor of Medan, one of which is by removing the Lurah who commits extortion", said Arma Fahmi.

In addition, Armia Fahmi also explained the main tasks of the extortion saber team that had been formed.

Previously, the Head of the UPP Saber Pungli Team for Medan City, Irsan Sinuhaji reported various activities that had been carried out by the Medan City UPP Saber Pungli Working Group from January to October 2021, namely the Intelligence Working Group had carried out 5 activities, the Prevention Working Group was 256 activities.

Then the Pokja Enforcement had as many as 433 activities. The implementation of this extortion saber cannot be carried out optimally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so the socialization is only carried out via zoom.

"Another effort we have made to prevent extortion is by displaying appeal services via Videotron at 3 points in Medan City. In practice, we always collaborate with relevant stakeholders, holding coordination meetings on how the Medan City UPP responds quickly to every alleged public report. there is extortion", said Irsan.

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