The Rappocini Police are still investigating the alleged beating of two students from Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar allegedly just because of the banner installation.
"Meanwhile, we are still investigating. Pray, hopefully we will get the perpetrators soon," said Rappcini Police Chief AKP Muhammad Yusuf as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.
The two student victims, with the initials EA and AW, have reported the alleged abuse to the police.
In addition to receiving reports, the two victims have also undergone a post-mortem at Bayangkara Hospital to ascertain the alleged criminal act of violence experienced by the victim.
"The victim has been post-mortem. According to the victim, the incident occurred when he wanted to put up a banner and then seen and then visited by a number of suspected perpetrators. Currently, he is still being investigated," said the police chief.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor III of Muhammadiyah University Makassar Muhammad Tahir said firmly condemning every form of violence that occurs in the campus environment.
"We are very concerned and regret the alleged violence experienced by two Unismuh (both semester IV) students with the initials EA and AW on Monday, May 29, 2023 at around 14.30 WITA on the second floor of the Iqra Unismuh Makassar building," he said.
He stated that Unismuh prioritized the principles of justice, safety, and comfort for all academic community, including students. His party also supports the steps taken by the victim to report this incident to the Rappocini Police.
"And we fully submit the legal process to the police to investigate this case fairly," he said.
His party confirmed that the incident occurred on the Unismuh campus, but still needed to carry out further investigations related to the students involved.
He also ensured that the context of persecution was not in the junior senior relationship, because the two victims were now in the fourth semester.
"If it is proven that the perpetrators of the persecution are Unismuh students, we will take firm action in accordance with applicable regulations. The academic sanctions will be studied by the Unismuh Honorary, Ethics and Advocacy Council (DKEA), to ensure justice and comfort in activities for the entire Makassar University academic community," he asserted.
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