NTB - Mandalika Regional Police, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is intensifying patrols.
Patrols tour tourist attractions in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to monitor parking managers do not increase fares during the Lebaran 2023 holiday.
"This appeal applies to all [the jurisdiction of the Central Lombok Police], because the parking provisions and levies have been regulated in regional regulations," said the Head of the Mandalika Regional Police, Iptu Kadek Suhendra in Praya, NTB, Thursday, April 27, as reported by Antara.
He said, to anticipate violations of parking rates, the police had also coordinated with the Central Lombok Tourism Office, the ITDC as the regional manager and community leaders or youth leaders.
"We are still approaching so that parking rates according to the rules and tourists who come feel safe and comfortable," he said.
The parking rates at tourist attractions at the Mandalika SEZ such as at Kuta Beach, Tanjung An, Bukit Seger, Bukit Meresek during the Lebaran 2023 holiday were complained by the public because they were considered too high.
Such as the parking fee for motorbikes of IDR 10,000, an increase from the previous tariff of IDR 2,000, four-wheeled vehicles of IDR 15 thousand, an increase from the previous normal rate of IDR 5 thousand, and buses of IDR 20,000.
In addition, parking fees at tourist attractions managed by local residents are not deposited into local revenue (PAD).
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