5 Components Of Emotional Intelligence, Already Have All?
Illustration of the emotional intelligence component (Freepik/coconie_studio)


YOGYAKARTA Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, interpret, and regulate emotions and others. This emotional skill allows a person to better understand and manage emotions. According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, there are five components in emotional intelligence, including as follows.

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions. Beyond emotional recognition, a person who is emotionally intelligent realizes the influence of his actions, mood, and emotions on others. Self-awareness means recognizing strength and limitations, being open to new information and experiences, and learning from interacting with others.

Goleman reported by VerywellMind, Sunday, October 15, people who have self-awareness have a good sense of humor, believe in themselves and abilities, and realize how others view them.

Someone who is intelligent emotionally, does not contain emotions and hides true feelings. It's just that, they know how to express emotions appropriately. Those who are skilled in self-regulation, tend to be flexible and adapt well to change. They are also good at managing conflict, easing tense or difficult situations, and taking responsibility for their own actions.

How to connect and communicate daily is related to a person's emotional understanding. When a person is emotionally intelligent, they have social skills. Such as being skilled at being a good listener, being skilled in verbal and nonverbal communication, and knowing how to build meaningful relationships with others. This skill is also important in the workplace.

Empathy or the ability to understand the feelings of others and see things from their point of view, is the 4th component of emotional intelligence. This involves the ability of a person to recognize other people.

Those who have four heights can feel who has strength in a relationship. They also understand how emotions affect everyone's feelings and behavior. Therefore, they can better interpret situations that depend on the dynamics of power.

Intelligent people are emotionally motivated by things outside of external awards, such as fame, money, recognition, and praise. On the other hand, they have a desire to fulfill their own inner needs and goals. This means, they seek internal rewards known as intrinsic motivation. They really align between activity and pursue the peak of experience. They also tend to be very committed and good at taking the initiative.

Those are the five components of emotional intelligence that can be used as reflective references. Are there any components above that you already have?

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