
TANGERANG - Cipondoh Police Chief, Commissioner of Police Ubaidillah, gave information regarding the fire incident that occurred on KH Dewantoro Street, Tangerang City. According to him, the fire was not caused by a commotion between a husband and wife.

Commissioner of Police Ubaidillah emphasized that the cause of the fire was purely a leak in the gas hose at the Nasi Padang stall.

"No, it's not there. The incident was purely due to a gas cylinder leak, not because of a fight between husband and wife. We got information from a parking attendant near the location, near the Nasi Padang handyman (named) Naufal," said Ubaidillah, when contacted by journalists, Tuesday, May 10.

Regarding the victim's wife who was allegedly burned, Ubaidillah also emphasized that the victim only suffered abrasions. Due to the fire sparks.

"Just a scratch on the hand, nothing to do," he said.

The victim has now been taken to the nearest hospital. For further medical treatment.

"She was rushed to a hospital in the district," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that three kiosks on KH Dewantoro Street, Cipondoh, Tangerang City caught fire. According to the fire brigade, the incident started as a household commotion.

UPT Batu Ceper Team Commander Rizki Zul Fatiansyah explained that the incident occurred on Tuesday morning, May 10. It started when there was a household commotion, a husband and his wife.

"So according to the witness, there is a family dispute, what kind of dispute is that, I also don't know. The point is that the family problem here is burning," Rizky said when met at the location, Tuesday, May 10.

"At first, what he wanted to burn was his wife, he wanted to douse her (with gasoline) and maybe it didn't hit. (But his wife) was rushed to the hospital," he continued.

The fire that was burning inside the house was getting bigger and bigger until it spread to the building beside it, namely a Padang restaurant and a motorcycle repair shop.

"The type that caught fire was a Padang food restaurant, a workshop, and a waste site. So there were 3 housing units," he continued.

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