Muhammadiyah To Firli Bahuri: Resign From The Chair And Commissioner Of The KPK

JAKARTA - The Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah urged Firli Bahuri to resign as Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) after being named a suspect in the alleged extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL). "Encourage Firli Bahuri to immediately resign from his position as chairman of the KPK as well as as commissioner of the KPK," said PP Muhammadiyah Chairman Busyro Muqoddas in a written statement, Thursday, November 23, confiscated by Antara. Busyro appreciated Firli's determination as a suspect. This effort, he continued, was a form of sensitivity, independence, and the responsibility of the Police in eradicating corruption practices in Indonesia. According to him, the corruption practices that have been dominant in the form of bribery and gratification have increasingly destroyed the joints of state strength from their main obligations, namely protecting the people from being victims of structural impoverishment caused directly by state capture corruption which had a negative impact on the widespread practice of the national bureaucracy.

Moreover, the practice of bribery, gratification is accompanied by extra slum acts of extortion by those who are holding public positions. Therefore, he also reminded the President to correct and evaluate the formation of the Selection Committee in the future to be carried out transparently, and to prioritize the participation and elements of civil society.

Dia juga Mendorong aparat Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dan Kehakiman untuk tidak ragu sedikit pun mengusut kasus dugaan korupsi ini dengan cermat, obyektif dan tuntutan serta hukuman yang seberat-seberat-nya dan seadil-adilnya.Busyro mengatakan kejadian ini harus menjadi pembelajaran bagi DPR dan Pemerintah dalam proses seleksi calon pejabat penegak hukum yang terbebas dari kepentingan politik pragmatis sesaat dan transparan."Kiranya tragedi pelumpuhan KPK dan intervensi terhadap MK ini sudah cukup sebagai titik balik untuk bersama-sama bangkit dari limbah dosa politik yang jelas-jelas telah meruntuhkan marwah kenegaraan dan merugikan rakyat serta melumpuhkan demokrasi," tandasnya.