Prosecutors Accept Deposit Of Tens Of Millions In Replacement Money From Perusda Corruption Suspects

The Prosecutor's Office received a deposit of money to compensate for state losses from one of the suspects in the corruption case in the management of government capital investment funds at the Regional Company (Perusda) West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara.

"Yes, we received a deposit of Rp. 50 million," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the West Sumbawa Kejari, Rasyid Yuliansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 21.

The suspect who entrusted the state compensation with the initials EK, the company's director, who entered into a partnership with Perusda West Sumbawa.

The existence of replacement money in this investigation stage received appreciation from the prosecutor's office. Although the deposit rate is not considered large, the prosecutor sees the suspect's actions as good faith in recovering state losses.

"Of course, we really appreciate what the suspect did, because at least the suspect already has good faith," he said.

He said the recovery of state losses in handling a corruption case is now the main goal of the prosecutor's office.

"So, not only punishing the suspect, but how to recover the state losses that arise," he said.

Rasyid said that the deposit of money to compensate for state losses in corruption cases did not stop his party from handling it. Moreover, he said, this deposit took place at the investigation stage.

"With this deposit, investigators include it in the evidence," he said.

In handling this case, investigators have received the results of the audit of the calculation of state financial losses from the NTB Representative BPKP. The value of the loss reached Rp. 2.5 billion.

This figure arises from the calculation of losses in the management of government capital participation funds for the period 2016 to 2021.

In handling this case, investigators previously found potential state losses with a value of at least Rp. 2.1 billion.

Investigators found potential state losses from a series of witness examinations. With these findings, investigators carried out searches and confiscation activities.

For the search, investigators conducted three different locations, namely at the West Sumbawa Perusda Office in Menala Village, a paving block business in Telaga Bertong, and a CV PAM business in Banjar Village, belonging to a suspect from a West Sumbawa Perusda partner with the initials EK.

From the results of the search, investigators confiscated a number of documents and computers related to information on partnership activities with CV PAM.

Then, for confiscation related to a number of assets belonging to the suspect, investigators confiscated four assets in the form of land belonging to suspect EK.

The assets in the form of land are in Banjar Village and Labuan Kertasari, Taliwang District, West Sumbawa Regency.

For the land in Banjar Village, he explained, there were three locations confiscated with an area of 1.46 hectares, 1.63 hectares, and 1.73 hectares. Then, for land in Labuan Kertasari Village, there is one area with an area of 28 are.

From the results of the investigation, it was revealed that suspect EK bought the land in 2016 and 2019. This confiscation was carried out in an attempt by the prosecutor's office to save state losses with the potential results of an independent count of Rp. 2.1 billion.

There are two suspects in this case. They have the initials SA, Plt. Director of Perusda West Sumbawa and EK who act as Director of CV PAM. Both have been detained by the prosecutor.