Ganjar Said, Now Residents Need Lots Of Jobs

SLEMAN - Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo attended the declaration of support from the Regional Winning Team (TPD) of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) at the Agung Ambarukmo Hall, Sleman, DIY.

Ganjar admitted that it would provide more job opportunities, investment that would flow without obstacles, quality education and a healthy society.

"Today, people need more job opportunities, investment must come in, permits must be easy, there are no extortion. Investment comes in, permits must be easy, and there is legal certainty in it. So more jobs will be created. This is our commitment," stressed Ganjar, Thursday 16 November.

According to Ganjar, employment opportunities can also be encouraged by developing new entrepreneurs. This can be achieved with good human resources. Good human resources will be created with good education and a healthy society.

Ganjar also voiced the people's hopes which were similar to his commitment, namely a clean government, anti-corruption, anti-collution, anti-nepotism, and a serious commitment to eradicating corruption.

"Good education can be created with access to education that is easy, cheap and accessible to everyone and the people must be healthy. The people's hopes are the same as ours, the government must be clean, anti-corruption, anti-collution, anti-nepotism, and corruption must be eradicated. That must be our commitment," he said.

Ganjar expressed his gratitude to TPD which has been solidly formed. He emphasized the importance of coordination between supporting parties and volunteers, even though they come from different backgrounds.

For Ganjar, Yogyakarta is not just a political area, but also a place where Ganjar and Mahfud MD can gain knowledge and develop their interests and talents in various things.

The former governor of Central Java for two terms also conveyed a message to maintain rules and order in every step of the political struggle.

Ganjar also invited TPD DIY to move actively to gather support from various groups and disseminate Ganjar-Mahfud's vision and mission to people's homes.

Ganjar believes that with commitment, hard work and continued support, DIY will become a strategic base that will make a major contribution to the political journey towards the next presidential election.