Prosecutor's Office Receives 25 SPDP For Forest And Land Fire Cases In South Sumatra, Most Of The OKI Regions

The Prosecutor's Office received as many as 25 reports of warrants for the start of investigations (SPDP) of forest and land fires (karhutla) in South Sumatra Province (Sumsel). Head of Legal Information at the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Vanny Yulia Eka Sari said the number of SPDPs was received by his party until mid-October 2023. The most cases were in the jurisdiction of the Ogan Komering Ilir District Attorney (Kejari).

"Of the 25 reports that have been received, the OKI Kejari received as many as eight SPDP forest and land fires cases," he said. He added that the second highest order, namely the Lubuk Linggau Kejari, was six reports of SPDP forest and land fires. "The total of 25 SPDP reports that we received were mostly suspected by the perpetrators of forest fires and land fires. This is an individual or non-corporate. However, until now it is still unknown in detail, the 25 reports came from corporations or individuals," he said.

Ia menambahkan, dari 25 kasus karhutla ada yang telah melalui proses hukum baik itu tahap I hingga tahap penuntutan serta vonis pidana, dimana saat ini telah ada 3 kasus Karhutla yang telah melalui tahap penuntutan Jaksa."Tidak menutup kemungkinan SPDP tersebut bakal bertambah, mengingat kasus Karhutla saat ini masih terus terjadi pada tiap-tiap Kabupaten dna Kota yang ada di Sumsel," tandasnya.