Lewis Capaldi Cancels Stage At We The Fest 2023, Promoters Try To Replace The Sedadan
JAKARTA - We The Fest 2023 is the biggest event in terms of line-up compared to previous years. No less than 19 international musicians and 25 Indonesian musicians from various music genres will appear.
However, of the dozens of musicians previously announced, Lewis Capaldi certainly canceled his attendance. Due to his mental and physical health problems, the Scottish singer is known to have also canceled several appearances for a while.
"Indeed, the cancellation is global. She will stop appearing for a while," said Sarah Deshita representing Ismaya Live as promoter, in Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta on Wednesday, July 5.
Sarah understands the disappointment of fans over Lewis Capaldi's cancellation. However, he also saw many fans who supported the singer's 26-year-old decision to take a temporary break for his health.
"If fans are disappointed, yes, it's definitely yes, it's just global, not just WTF or suddenly we cancel. So, so far they (fans) support Lewis Capaldi," said Sarah.
"Because yesterday there was a video circulating of him in Glastonbury, he was sick but he really tried, then he finally couldn't sing at all, and finally the audience sang," he continued.
Even so, Sarah said that the promoter would try to strengthen the line-up of international musicians by presenting other performers who deserved it.
With a relatively short time, Ismaya Live is expected to be able to present a replacement for Lewis Capaldi who is in line with the expectations of the audience for the We The Fest 2023 event which is more memorable than the previous event.
"Just wait (replacer Lewis Capaldi). But it's still being tried, hopefully with the time of the only three weeks there will be good news," concluded Sarah Deshita.