Members Of The Batanghari DPRD Examined By The Police In The Fake Signature Case

JAMBI - The investigation team of the Sub-Directorate II of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimum) of the Jambi Police examined a member of the Batanghari Regency Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Yogi Verly Pratama related to the alleged case of signature forgery.

Based on the information obtained, Yogi came to the Jambi Police Headquarters on Friday at around 10.05 WIB. He came in a shirt setting, Yogi seemed to come accompanied by someone.

Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Jambi Regional Police, AKBP Muhammad Mujib, confirmed the examination of the DPRD member.

"It's true, today we conducted an examination of a member of the Batanghari Regency DPRD regarding the alleged forgery of signatures, his status is still as a witness," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 5.

AKBP Mujib explained that this was the first call for Yogi. Furthermore, the Jambi Police confirmed that they would continue to explore this case.

Until now, the Jambi Police have taken various steps related to the investigation of this case, namely by examining parties, Setwan, and other parties to fulfill the evidence in this case.

Based on information, Yogi was reported to the Jambi Police after allegedly falsifying the fake signature of the chairman of the Jambi Province Perindo Party DPW Hendri Attan.

After undergoing an examination at the Jambi Police, Yogi was immediately met by a number of media crews. When interviewed, Yogi did not comment much and denied that he had been investigated in connection with the alleged case of signature forgery.

"No, just for SKCK, it's safe," he said.