The 42nd Summit Will Discuss ASEAN Vision After 2025

JAKARTA - Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will discuss the preparation of the ASEAN Vision Post-2025 towards ASEAN 2024 at the 42nd Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara on 9-11 May.The ASEAN Post-2025 vision towards ASEAN 2024 is currently being compiled by the High Level Task Force on ASEAN Community Post-2025 (HLTF-ACV) before being discussed at the summit later.At a meeting with HLTF-ACV on May 10, ASEAN leaders will provide directions so that the ASEAN vision that is being drafted is visionary, inspiring, comprehensive, sturdy, and inclusive.Furthermore, the ASEAN Coordination Board (ACC) will give an in-principle endorsement of the draft ASEAN vision that has been prepared at its meeting with the HLTF-ACV in September.“Furthermore, it is hoped that this document can be passed in 2025,” quoted from a statement received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, April 28.As part of the process of drafting the ASEAN Vision Post-2025, ASEAN leaders are also expected to ratify a joint statement on the Development of the ASEAN Post-2025 Community Vision at the 42nd Summit later."Through this ratification, it is hoped that the process of drafting the ASEAN Post-2025 will be strengthened and it can also be ascertained that the vision of ASEAN Post-2025 will be truly visionary, ambitious, adaptive, and strategic," the statement said.Indonesia got its turn to become Chair of ASEAN in 2023.There are two big themes that Indonesia carries in its chairmanship this year, namely “ ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth ” or ASEAN Important: Growth Center.There are three important elements in the meaning of ASEAN Matters, namely strengthening ASEAN capacity and effectiveness, ASEAN unity, and ASEAN centrality.
Meanwhile, under the Epicentrum of Growth pillar, Indonesia seeks to ensure important elements in the region consisting of health architecture, energy security, food security, and financial stability.