Clerk Of Supreme Court Allegedly Often Receive Money From Litigants

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the receipt of money by the Supreme Court by litigants often occurs. The allegation emerged after Desy Yustria, a civil servant at the Registrar's Office of the Supreme Court was named a suspect in the alleged bribery case handling.

"KPK suspects that DY (Desy Yusria) and her friends also received other gifts from litigants at the Supreme Court," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri at the KPK Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, September 23.

It was not specified how many cases were 'played' by Dessy together with other civil servants of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, namely Muhajir Habibie; Civil Servant MA Redi and Albasri; and Judicial Judge Elly Tri Pangestu. Investigators are still looking for evidence.

"This will be further investigated by the investigation team," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK named ten suspects in the alleged bribery case handling cases in the Supreme Court.

They are Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati (SD); Supreme Court Judicial Judge, Elly Tri Pangestu (ETP); PNS MA, Desy Yustria (DY); PNS MA, Muhajir Habibie (MH); PNS MA, Redi (RD); PNS MA, Albasri (AB); lawyers Yosep Parera (YP) and Eko Suparno (ES); and private parties Heryanto Tanaka (HT) and Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto (IDKS).

Sudrajad Dimyati is suspected of receiving IDR 800 million in money through a person representing him. The gift was allegedly to declare the Intidana Savings and Loan Cooperative declared bankrupt.

HT, YP, ES, and IDKS are suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 or Article 6 letter c of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law Number 20 of 1999 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.

SD, DS, ETP, MH, RD, and AB are suspected of violating Article 12 letter c or Article 12 letter a or b in conjunction with Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law Number 20 of 1999 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.