Perbup Is Being Worked On, District Government Ensures The Increase In Motorcycle Taxi Fares In Manokwari Is Not 100 Percent

PAPUA - The Manokwari Regency Government is finalizing a draft of the regent's regulation (perbup) regarding the adjustment of motorcycle taxi fares following the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM).

Acting (Plt) Head of the Manokwari Maritime Transportation and Fisheries Service Yosep Mandacan asked motorcycle taxi drivers in Manokwari to be patient and not increase prices before the issuance of the Perbup to adjust the motorcycle taxi fare.

"If there is an increase in motorcycle taxi fares because there has been a plan for a long time, then we hope they understand because the Perbup is still in the process and we will continue to monitor its development," said Yosep, as quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

He said his party had drawn up an agenda so that they could meet with motorcycle taxi organizations in Manokwari to negotiate a tariff increase. This is because a circular appeared on social media that the increase in motorcycle taxi fares reached 100 percent from IDR 5,000 to IDR 10,000.

In the draft regulation, he continued, the increase in motorcycle taxi fares did not reach 100 percent. He said the fare increase was measured per kilometer and adjusted from the point of departure to the point of destination. However, he has not been able to confirm the amount of tariffs proposed in the Perbup.

For now, motorcycle taxis are expected to increase tariffs according to agreements with consumers in accordance with meetings held by his party with motorcycle taxi organizations in mid-2022.

"So, our suggestion is that the increase will be like that for the time being while waiting for a Perbup," said Yosep.

Previously, the Manokwari Two Wheels Services Association in Circular Letter (SE) Number 002/PERPAMA/MKW-PB/IV/2022 which was signed by the Chairman of Charlos C. Maryen and Secretary Samuel W. Wambrauw as of September 20, 2022, stated that the tariff increase from IDR 5,000 to IDR 10,000 was the rate in the city both far and close.

For outside the city area, the tariff will be reviewed from Regent Regulation Number 48 of 2007 concerning Two Rollers in Manokwari.