Golkar Firmly Pushes Airlangga For 2024 Presidential Candidate, PAN: Zulhas Has The Same Opportunity To Be Carried By KIB

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) responded to the Deputy General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Golkar Party, Bambang Soesatyo or Bamsoet, who said that his party was unanimous in carrying out Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate (Capres) in 2024.

As colleagues who are members of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) with Golkar and PPP, according to PAN, all party leaders in KIB have the same opportunity as presidential candidates, including Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas.

"In KIB, all chairmen generally have the same rights and opportunities to be nominated in the 2024 presidential election. PAN has Bang Zulkifli Hasan, Golkar has Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, and in PPP there is Bang Suharso Monoarfa," said PAN deputy head Viva Yoga Mauladi to reporters, Wednesday, August 3rd.

After all, said Viva, the internal figure of KIB is indeed a priority to be promoted. Although he admits, KIB will assess the political dynamics ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"KIB prioritizes nominating its own internal cadres. However, KIB also monitors figures outside of KIB," said Viva.

Viva also emphasized that the decision about the presidential candidate from KIB would be discussed together. So according to him, the matter of determining the figure of a presidential candidate is not a big problem for KIB.

"Later, when the time comes, it will be determined who will be nominated by KIB. The decision on KIB will be by acclamation, deliberation to reach consensus, not voting. Nominations for figures in the presidential election will not be a factor that divides the solidity of KIB," explained Viva. Previously, the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party Bambang Soesatyo confirmed that his party was unanimous in appointing General Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate.

"We have decided that the presidential candidate for the Golkar Party is Airlangga Hartarto," Bamsoet told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 2.

Bamsoet conveyed this affirmation regarding the figure of the presidential candidate that the Golkar Party will advance in the upcoming presidential election. Given that, Golkar has formed a coalition with PPP and PAN.

The chairman of the MPR RI confirmed that Airlangga Hartarto's decision as a presidential candidate was final based on the National Meeting of the Golkar Party. "According to the decision of the National Committee, it is final," said Bamsoet.

However, regarding whether PPP and PAN agree if Airlangga becomes the presidential candidate from KIB, Bamsoet thinks it is Airlangga Hartarto's job to communicate it to the coalition. "It's the general chairman's job to communicate with KIB," he said.