Bung Karno's Professor, Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker, Dies In Today's History, May 22, 1949

JAKARTA – In today's history, 73 years ago, on May 22, 1949, Bung Karno's lecturer and mentor in the field of architecture, Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker, passed away. As a form of final respect, Bung Karno himself designed the tombstone.

The tombstone now stands tall in Ereveld Pandu, Bandung. Award from Bung Karno as a form of his devotion to Schoemaker. During his lifetime, Schoemaker often fully supported the Great Bung. He also became the main supporter of Bung Karno in designing a big house: Indonesia.

Every struggle needs the right mentor. A mentor who can fuel the spirit. An inspiring mentor. Bung Karno did the same. Anyone can be used as a mentor. From a farmer to a lecturer. That is what happened when the young Bung Karno received his higher education at Technische Hoogeschool Bandung (now: Bandung Institute of Technology).

He admitted that he was amazed by his lecturer who is often called a professor, Schoemaker. Schoemaker's views largely shaped Bung Karno's personality, especially in matters of humanity and anti-colonialism.

Hotel Grand Preanger, one of the landmarks of Bandung by Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker. (Wikimedia Commons)

Soekarno also felt compatible with Schoemaker. Bung Karno was very supportive of Schoemaker's work. Vice versa. Schoemaker often helped Bung Karno in his studies and struggles. Especially when Bung Karno needed money to support his family and thoughts in Bandung.

Schoemaker is one of the leaders in offering jobs. A job that is not far from Bung Karno's talent, namely architect. Therefore, the relationship between lecturers and students is lasting. The two are compatible in many ways. Mainly, architecture, art, and even beautiful women.

“On campus, he was known to be close to a small group of indigenous students who started nationalist activities. Among them was Bung Karno, one of the brightest students. In addition to his activities as an architect and academic, Schoemaker is active in various arts organizations."

"Among them are the Bandung Art Circle. Schoemaker is also known as a sculptor and painter. One of his famous sculptures is the De Groot Monument, which was built in Citarum Park, Bandung. Currently, the monument has been replaced with a mosque and the Istiqomah School," concluded Amandra M. Megarani et al in their article in Tempo Magazine entitled Tiga Agama Schoemaker (Schoemaker's Three Religions, 2016).

Villa Isola in Lembang, one of the iconic buildings designed by Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker in the Bandung area. (Wikimedia Commons)

Schoemaker also became a witness of Soekarno's various dreams. Including Bung Karno's desire to build a big house: Indonesia. Their relationship never really broke. Even though Bung Karno was later imprisoned and exiled. Sending letters is also a lesson.

After Indonesia's independence, Bung Karno's turn to be the savior. Schoemaker, who was detained by the Japanese colonialists, was released by Bung Karno. The two continued to maintain a relationship by sending letters, before Schoemaker died on May 22, 1949.

“One of the professors, Professor Eng. Wolff Schoemaker is a great man. He knows no skin color. For him, there is no Netherlands or Indonesia. For him there is no repression or freedom. He just bows his head to someone's abilities," Bung Karno was quoted as saying by Cindy Adams in Bung Karno's book: Bung Karno: Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia (1965).