5 Hotels In Nusa Dua Bali Become A Bali Warm Up Vacation Location For Overseas Travelers

BADUNG - A total of five hotels in The Nusa Dua area, Badung Regency, Bali, are the locations for the Bali Warm Up Vacation program, which was initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The five hotels managed by state-owned PT Pembangunan Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or the Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) are The Westin Resort, Grand Hyatt, Sofitel Beach Resort, Melia, and St Regis.

"We appreciate and support the Bali Warm Up Vacation program prepared by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. This program will make it easier for foreign travellers (PPLN) to carry out quarantine by feeling a warm holiday in Bali," said Managing Director of The Nusa Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita in written statement, Thursday, February 24.

The Bali Warm Up Vacation program is a special program for PPLNs who have just come to Bali so that they can undergo self-quarantine in a hotel with a bubble system while still enjoying and utilizing the facilities in the hotel bubble area.

The Bali Warm Up Vacation program aims to make PPLN not feel like they are undergoing quarantine, but rather feel that they are warming up to prepare for their holiday in Bali by prioritizing the precautionary principle to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Ngurah Ardita explained that the five selected hotels were based on an assessment carried out by the Kemenparekraf team. And in supporting the program, hotels in The Nusa Dua area are also ready to offer attractive packages.

"In addition, hotels in our area also have experience in running the bubble system and have facilities that really support the implementation of this program properly and meet the requirements set by the government," he said.

He added, there are several conditions that must be met by the hotel before being selected as one of the hotels that carry out the bubble quarantine, including the hotel must have a dedicated area for PPLN activities because they will move out of the room.

Hotels must also have different public facilities between regular guests and warm up vacation guests, including swimming pool facilities, gym, dining room and other facilities.

Another requirement is that hotel employees must stay at the hotel while serving PPLN so as not to meet other people outside the hotel environment.

According to Ngurah Ardita, the five hotels also offer Bali Warm-Up Vacation program packages to stay at various prices and include a number of benefits that can be enjoyed by PPLN.

The benefits include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, access to facilities within the hotel including the beach, swimming pool, mini gym, and dining area, daily fun activities, two PCR tests, and one way airport transfer.

"We hope that this program can run smoothly and provide overall benefits for the recovery of Bali tourism," he said.