Because Of A Stalker, Tim Cook's House Is Now Missing From Google Maps And Apple Maps

JAKARTA - The house of Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has now disappeared from Google Maps and Apple Maps. This follows a restraining order against a stalker who is alleged to have been following him all along. This stalker is now also unable to visit any Apple store

According to CultOfMac, Apple has built an 'invisible wall' in its Maps service to hide boss Tim Cook's house from the public. Both Apple Maps and Google Maps are now obscuring or completely obscuring the Apple CEO's modest $2.5 million home in Palo Alto, California.

The change comes after Apple successfully filed a restraining order against a stalker who allegedly referred to Tim Cook as 'my husband, or the father of my twins'.

The 45-year-old woman from Virginia is now not allowed to own a gun, travel within 200 yards of Cook or other Apple employees, or go to Apple property or Cook's home.

The woman allegedly tagged Cook and other tech CEOs in a number of tweets, including Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and told them to 'unfollow' each other.

"I'm telling you both to unfollow each other," said one of the stalker's tweets. “I can smell, see and feel you two. Tim Cook is my bed mate. My husband, my twin father. Stop doing that! ”

He also referred to Cook, 61, as "my cleaning man", "my bathroom man", and "my bed man" in another tweet. Tim Cook himself had publicly acknowledged himself as gay in 2014.

In Apple's petition for a restraining order, he claims that the woman emailed Cook about 200 times with photos of what appeared to be a gun and appeared at her home. He even started registering fake companies in Cook's name.

"I warned and told you to stop trying to kill me. You made me buy this instead of going for Christmas. I will never forgive forgetting you," the woman wrote in an email.

A temporary restraining order has been filed by the Santa Clara County Superior Court ahead of the court hearing on March 29.

Google Maps has taken similar actions in the past, most notably to obscure Billie Eilish's home after she managed to obtain a restraining order against a stalker.