JAKARTA The data privacy law imposed in the European Union is not only targeting technology companies, but also regulators who implement and oversee the law.
For the first time, the European Union General Court decided that the European Commission had made a mistake and needed to pay a fine for the losses of the German people. This decision was made on Wednesday, January 8 after the European Commission failed to comply with its rules.
According to the court, the Commission has made a fatal mistake by transferring German citizens' personal data to the United States without proper protection. For this action, the European Commission had to pay compensation of US $ 412 (IDR 6.6 million).
This data transfer occurred because of the login system on the EU's official website. Local people can visit their website and tap the 'Entrance with Facebook' option to register for a conference. This login option is the matter of the court.
Once analyzed, login using the Meta platform will move the user's IP address to the US. That way, the European Commission has committed an accidental violation. They have violated closely monitored data protection rules in the European Union.
After the court sanctioned, the European Commission appeared to agree with the violations they committed. The agency agreed to respect and study the decisions made by the court.
"The Commission is paying attention to the ruling and will study it thoroughly the Court's decision and its implications," a spokesman for the European Commission said. It was not explained when the fine would be paid.
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