The Financial Services Authority (OJK) announced that it would take firm steps against people involved in online gambling activities, by closing their access (blacklist) to all services in the financial services sector.

Rizal Ramadhani, Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of Behavior for Financial Services and Protection Business Actors, emphasized that this breakthrough was a new effort by the OJK in eradicating online gambling in Indonesia.

From this system, later all financial services actors can access this information and blacklist people involved in online gambling activities.

"So that people who are suspected of being involved in online gambling, we enter this information system, so it is hoped that this will have a deterrent effect," said Rizal on Wednesday, August 28 at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology office.

Rizal also said that OJK is not responsible if the person whose data is entered into the blacklist system feels that they have never carried out online gambling activities, or in other words their data is stolen by irresponsible parties.

If the case occurs, Rizal said that people who feel that their data has been misused must provide clarification directly to the OJK, to be able to return to using financial services.

Because according to him, online gambling is an extraordinary crime, so extraordinary handling steps are needed.

"He can come to us, why can his data and accounts be used, so later he will have to go to the OJK for clarification. If not, because this judol is extraordinary crime, there must be extraordinary effort, it can't be done in a normal way, it must be edited, it's an account. It must clarify itself," he added.

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