JAKARTA - Google is increasingly tightening competition with Siri and Apple Intelligence on iPhone through the launch of Google Gemini's standalone app for iOS.Gemini was previously available on the iPhone as part of Google's main app. However, Gemini is now present in the form of a separate application designed more specifically as a personal AI assistant.
In its official blog, this week, Google explained that the app is presenting a new feature called Gemini Live, an assistant version that allows flexible interactive conversations. With Gemini Live, users can interact two-way with Gemini, including disrupting midway responses or stopping transient conversations to resume later.
Gemini Live is available to Gemini Advanced subscribers, originally only on Android devices and in English. Google plans to expand this feature to iOS and other languages in the coming weeks.
Google also added ten new votes for Gemini, allowing users to choose the style and tone of speech according to their needs.
Furthermore, Gemini's capabilities are extended to be integrated with other Google services. Apart from Gmail, the new features will include integration with Keep, Tasks, Utilities, Calendar, and some additional features on YouTube Music.
Gemini apps can be downloaded for free, while Gemini Advanced subscriptions are priced at $19.99 per month, including 2TB of storage and other premium benefits from Google One.
Although Gemini Live is aimed at advanced users who want more sophisticated responses from digital assistants, Google still has to compete with Apple's innovations through increasing Siri and integrating ChatGPT in the Apple Intelligence ecosystem.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)