JAKARTA - When will Tesla present the optimized robot? It turns out that it will take longer than expected. This was stated by Tesla CEO Elon Musk on X.

"Tesla will have a humanoid robot that is really useful in low production for Tesla's internal use next year and, hopefully, high production for other companies by 2026," Musk wrote on Twitter on Monday morning, July 22.

As Electrek reports, this is a delay from a previous appointment by Musk. The Tesla CEO previously said in April that the Optimus robot would be working at the Tesla plant by the end of 2024 with deliveries to other companies by 2025. That's definitely not going to happen again, according to recent comments.

Musk first announced a Tesla robot during a very strange event where a human wearing tight clothes is only doing a few moves on stage. It happened in 2021 and even Musk supporters had to admit that it was strange to watch.

Tesla has made a lot of progress in the last three years, from having nothing to having functional robots that can run and pick up objects. However, the company is also struggling to show great achievements without some significant hoaxes.

For example, Musk released a video on social media in January showing Optimus folding the wash. However, not long after, people saw something strange in the bottom corner of the video.

It is clear that this robot does not really work independently, but folds the wash when someone who is not seen on the screen moves their arms synchronously.

After Musk and his robots were ridiculed online for the scam, other robotics companies began adding text to their videos to state that they were actually working independently. The phrase no teleoperation is added to make it clear that no one is off-screen trying to deceive you.

Just last month, Musk promoted Optimus as if he was almost ready, saying at a Tesla shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas that Optimistic will one day nurture your children. But Tesla still has a long way to go, especially if you look at the achievements of other robotics companies in the last decade.

Tesla is honestly trying to catch up with industry leaders and still has a lot to achieve. Boston Dynamics, for example, had a robot that could self-aware in 2016, stand on one foot in the same year, backflip in 2017, and exhibit parkour style jumps in 2018.

However, Musk may be a little disturbed at the moment to focus on robots. Like most Americans, the billionaire is paying close attention to presidential elections as President Joe Biden announces on Sunday that he will not run for a second term, paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to face Donald Trump.

Unlike most Americans, Musk has millions of dollars and has a huge social media site to help his candidate win. Given Musk's clear panic and others as Republicans have to face younger opponents, it seems the robotic schedule is far from a major concern.

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