JAKARTA - Missing does not mean it cannot be found. And thanks to the SmarThings Find feature, owners of Samsung Galaxy phones can now be calmer. The reason is, this feature allows a lost device to be found quickly.
In fact, this feature was launched by the company a long time ago. It's just that, on the Galaxy S21 series, the SmarThings Find feature gets an update. Both in terms of technology and supporting features.
On the Galaxy S21 series, SmartThings Find offers services from two different platforms. SmartThings itself is Samsung's platform. Then combined with the Find feature that was previously available on the company's Find My Mobile service.
This device tracking service uses two types of wireless communication technology. Namely Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Ultra-Wideband (UWB). The combination of the performance of the two technologies produces an Augmented Reality (AR) -based Heat Map in device search operations.
During the Galaxy Unpacked 2021 event, Samsung explained that this service allows owners to track the whereabouts of the device. Even when the device is offline or outside the network.
“After the device is offline for 30 minutes, the device will generate a BLE signal that can be received by other devices. Later, when you report your lost device via SmartThings Find, the Galaxy smartphone or tablet closest to your lost device will send a signal to inform you of its location”, explained Samsung in a press release, reported by Trusted and Reviews, Friday, March 12.
How to Use SmartThings Find to Find a Lost Phone
Armed with this technology, now Samsung Galaxy smartphone users can more easily find lost devices. Either lost because it was stolen, or tucked away somewhere.
However, in order to use this feature, there are several steps that you need to go through. Summarized from the Samsung Support page, here's how to use SmartThings to make your phone easier to find when it's lost.
Previously, you needed to download and then install the SmartThings application on your device. You can download it via the Play Store. If so, follow the steps below:
1. Open the SmartThings application.
2. Tap the Login button, then Create Account, then fill in the checkbox on the Samsung Terms and Conditions menu.
3. Enter your email address.
4. Type your first name, last name, and zip code to create an account on this application.
5. Tap next, then end by tapping the Done button.
Once the app is ready, you will need to create a location to add the SmartThings Hub. You do this by tapping the Device tab on the drop-down menu that appears on the screen, tap the Location menu, then select Add Location and give your new location a name. After that Geolocation will determine the physical location of the device.
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