JAKARTA SpaceX, a private space company, had to test the rapper's engine before launching the Starship on June 5. Testing of this machine was held some time ago and ended in an explosion. This explosion incident occurred as SpaceX tested its rapper's engine at the Rocket Development and Test Facility in McGregor, Texas. Based on NASASpaceflight's video footage, the rapper's engine died about 14 seconds after its turn on. After its turn off, the engine, which initially looked normal, began to emit smoke at the bottom of the engine. Shortly after smoke was seen spreading, small flames began to appear at the bottom of the testing site and long-times grew. In a very short time, this massive fire spread to the top, then exploded and surrounded a fireball-like engine. Incidents showing the appearance of smoke to the formation of this fireball occurred within 17 seconds. Quoting from Gizmodo, SpaceX's rapper's engine used liquid methane (CH4) as fuel and liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidator. According to provisional estimates, the engine experienced leakage or anomalous of the fire so that an explosion could occur.
Mixed methane and oxygen can catch fire and produce an aerial fuel bomb that caused an explosion. Therefore, the strongest suspicion is that the engine leaks and the two gases mix. Until now, SpaceX has not provided an explanation of the explosion in the raptor machine qualifying test. Apparently, this incident will not affect the trial of the fourth Starship which will be held in the near future.
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