JAKARTA The US National Labor Council (NLRB) finally made a decision from Apple's case that interrogated its employees regarding the union. According to the NLRB, Apple's actions were carried out illegally. Reporting from Bloomberg, the council agreed with the findings of an administrative judge that the act of interrogateing retail stores at the World Trade Center, New York City should not have been carried out. The reason is, forcibly interrogateing staff is an illegal act. This decision is an extension of NLRB's complaint against Apple in 2022. At that time, representatives of the Communications Workers of America (CAW) said that Apple interrogated its retail staff and limited matters relating to the union. "(Apple) interrogated staff, restricted the posting of trade union brochures, and required employees to attend mandatory anti-bound speech (at the World Trade Center store in NYC)," said the CAW representative, quoted from 9to5mac. Although the NLRB has dropped the verdict, the independent institution cannot give a penalty. The reason is, they do not have any authority to give punishment, either in the form of compensation or executive accountability. Apple often faces NLRB due to trade union problems. Last April, 104 employees at Apple Short Hills filed a petition to form a union. The retail store is the fifth Apple Store to form a union.

However, of the many retail stores that voiced their wishes, only two retail stores in the US managed to form a union. Meanwhile, three other Apple Stores that managed to form unions are in the UK. To date, Apple is trying to prevent other retail stores from forming unions. The company even held meetings for all its retail employees to discuss the risks of forming a union.

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