JAKARTA - Elon Musk, entrepreneur and owner of social media platform X, revealed that the US House of Representatives has raised questions regarding the actions taken in Brazil that allegedly violated local law.

In a post on Wednesday April 10 on the platform, Musk stated that X was asked to suspend the accounts of "Brazil lawmakers who are still in office and many journalists."

The US House of Representatives itself has not commented on the issue, while X has not yet responded to requests for comment from the media.

This situation came after Brazilian Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes opened an investigation into Musk. The investigation was sparked by Musk's statement that he would reactivate accounts on X that had previously been ordered by the judge to be blocked.

Moraes threatened to give a fine of 100,000 reais (Rp315 million) per day to X if the company did not comply with his orders to block certain accounts.

Tensions between Brazil and Musk began when Musk challenged Moraes' decision to order the blocking of several accounts on the platform. Musk, known as a supporter of free speech, stated that the restrictions were unconstitutional and called for Moraes' resignation.

Musk also highlighted the economic consequences of this dispute, saying that X is likely to lose all of his income in Brazil and was forced to close offices there. Nevertheless, Musk stressed that the principle of freedom of speech is more important than financial gain.

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