JAKARTA The application to record calls can be very useful for some users. Unfortunately, Apple does not present a built-in feature to record calls on its devices, especially the iPhone.

However, there are several ways you can do if you want to record a phone call on your iPhone. Quoting from Makeuseof, you can use Google Voice, a free phone call application made by Google.

Google Voice is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call service. This service provides free phone numbers, voicemail inboxes, and makes free phone calls with just one application.

Google Voice also has a very interesting feature, namely free phone call recording. However, this feature will not be useful if you use a Google Workspace account for companies or educational institutions.

To use this feature, download the Google Voice application first. After that, open the application and log in with a personal Google account, then tap Search to select the phone number you want to link to the Google Voice account.

If you have followed the requested stage, you can press the Next button and enter the requested phone number. Follow the remaining stages, including phone number verification, until the application is ready for use.

Before using the call record feature, you need to enable the feature via Settings. Open Google Voice, then go to Settings to search for the Call menu. Next, activate the Enter Call Options.

If the toogle button has been activated, you can receive a phone call using Google Voice. To enable the recording feature during the call, you only need to press the 4 button on the number board on the iPhone screen.

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