JAKARTA - In 2023, the penetration rate of internet users in Indonesia has reached 79.5%, or 221,563,479 people out of a total population of 278,696,200 Indonesians.

This number proves that the majority of Indonesia's population already recognizes the internet. But unfortunately, this internet is two blades which have positive and negative impacts.

The latest survey from the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), sees that it turns out that this internet can present various types of online threats to its users.

This APJII survey found that online fraud was the most common online crime case in Indonesia in 2023, with a percentage of 32.50%. This number increased when compared to the previous year which was only 10.30%.

In addition, theft of personal data is also the second most common security vulnerability with 20.97%, up from 7.96% in 2022. There are also devices affected by the virus (19.31%), and also complaints of not being able to access the internet (10.04%).

Meanwhile, the spread of hoaxes is also one of the impacts of internet use. Where APJII found that social media became the media with the most sources of hoax spread, namely 59.75%.

In addition, the chat media took second place with 29.12%, and the news site became the third most common hoax found with a percentage of 11.12%.

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