JAKARTA Deepfake, technology that manipulates videos or images, can harm anyone, including public figures. Over the past few days, Taylor Swift has been a victim of deepfake spreading.

The singer from the United States received the spotlight after her vulgar photo spread on platform X, formerly known as Twitter. Apparently, this widely circulated photo is not Taylor's personal photo, but an image made by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The account that shared Taylor's explicit photo has been suspended, but the upload has been seen by many users. The upload has been viewed more than 45 million times with 24,000 reposts and hundreds of thousands of likes and bookmarks.

As a result of the high interaction, many X users re-shared the photo and overwhelmed the system to delete its accounts or uploads one by one. Finally, X decided to block the search for Taylor Swift's word.

Whenever a user types the word Taylor Swift or Taylor Swift AI in search X, the platform will not display any results. On the other hand, X will give a message that reads, Something is not right. Try to recharge.

This blocking has been carried out since Saturday, January 27 and is still ongoing today. This is on purpose what X did to hinder the spread of irresponsible deepfake photos and harm Taylor Swift.

Atas pemblokiran ini, Kepala X Joe Benarroch, mengutip dari Variety, mengatakan bahwa mereka akan memblokir pencarian Taylor Swift untuk sementara waktu. Namun, Benaroch tidak menjelaskan sampai kapan pemblokiran ini akan dilakukan.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)