JAKARTA Since the launch of iOS 12, Apple has introduced the Screen Duration feature. This feature is the right tool for parents to monitor children's activities while playing iPhone and iPad.

With this feature, parents can get information about the applications or websites their children visit. They can also control the duration of using various applications on the devices their children use.

As the operating system (OS) upgrades to the iPhone and iPad, this feature from Screen Duration has also been upgraded by Apple. Unfortunately, these various improvements have removed two features that are quite important for parents.

The first feature removed is easy access to new contacts. Previously, when the Screen Duration feature was activated, children could only receive or send messages from contacts whose parents agreed and the method was very easy.

However, this feature becomes more complicated and messages can only be opened when the contact is saved. In fact, previously parents only needed to enter a password to ensure that the sender of the message first added the sender contact.

Another missing feature is the feature of disabling message deletion. In the latest Screen Duration version, deleting messages becomes easier because there is no need to enter a code. However, not all parents like this convenience.

They may want to see the message their child deleted to avoid unwanted things. Unfortunately, the feature of disabling the deletion of this message is gone and all deleted messages will go to the New Deleted section.

In New Storage Deleted, all messages will not be deleted for a month. Parents can access the storage, but with the Screen Duration code. After more than thirty days, all messages will be deleted automatically.

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