JAKARTA - Huawei is optimistic that the company will reap 700 billion yuan (around IDR 1.5 quadrillion) in 2023.

Huawei Chairman Rotating, Ken Hu said, this was driven by the business performance of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and solid devices

"In 2023, we hope to complete the year with more than 700 billion yuan in revenue. Our ICT infrastructure business remains solid, and the outcome of our device business exceeds expectations," Hu said as quoted by Huawei's official website quoting Antara.

Hu explained that the digital and cloud business is also growing stably, as well as their smart automotive solutions that are becoming more competitive.

Over the past year, he said, Huawei's sales and service team has worked hard to meet customer needs around the world.

Amid various challenges, such as hurricanes in China, the challenges of local markets in Europe, to the deployment of communication networks along the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail line, Huawei managed to overcome this to maintain stable network operations.

"Thanks to the hard work of the R&D team, supply, and other teams, we have made further progress in business continuity and technology leadership," he said.

Even though Huawei has survived and grown, various serious challenges are still ahead. Ken Hu noted that geopolitical and economic uncertainty is still ongoing, while technology restrictions and trade barriers continue to affect the world.

However, he is optimistic that digital, smart, and low-carbon transformations will continue to be a major trend around the world, no matter what changes occur in the external environment.

Hu stressed the need to maintain a strategic focus, leverage the collective power of Huawei's business portfolio, as well as their innovation and understanding capabilities of complex hardware and software platforms to provide high-quality products and services with ecosystem partners.

He also highlighted the importance of proactive measures to embrace opportunities, invest limited resources in critical strategic domains, and build superior computing backbones.

According to Hu, the breakthrough in the basic model of artificial intelligence has changed the paradigm from adjusting the scenario in workshops to large-scale development and applications at the industrial level.

He stressed that increasing basic model adoption would require tremendous amount of computing power, so it would be necessary to build a strong computing infrastructure to support the development of all industries.

"The increase in basic model adoption will demand an extraordinary amount of computing power. Therefore, we need to build superior computing backbones to help all emerging industries," said Hu.

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