JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently grown rapidly, plus the emergence of chatbots such as ChatGPT which is claimed to deliver businesses to a new future with a more unified physical and digital world.

In The Accenture Technology Vision 2023 entitled When Atoms Meet Bits: The Foundation of Our New Reality, the consulting firm Accenture reveals how the technology trend underlies the convergence of the physical and digital world.

Along with the increasing number of companies that want to accelerate their current business changes. As many as 100 percent of business executives in Indonesia agree, companies need a more systematic way to manage the use of new technologies responsibly, especially seeing AI continue to grow.

Likewise with the emergence of ChatGPT, which has captured the world's attention to the power of generative AI and is claimed to enhance human work capabilities.

In this regard, the Accenture report shows that 99 percent of executives in Indonesia approve the development of generative AIs such as ChatGPT are opening up a new era for companies, and they expect the basic model of AI to play an important role in its business strategy for the next three to five years.

"These findings further strengthen our confidence in the critical role of a generative AI as the basic element of digital transformation. With more and more businesses realizing the potential of a generating AI, they also need our assistance in various fields," said Country Managing Director of Accenture Indonesia, Jayant Bhargava at the launch of the latest annual report Accenture Technology Vision 2023, in South Jakarta, Thursday, July 13.

"This includes optimizing AI applications, improving the quality and skills of their workers, and looking for responsible ways to deal with risks and challenges in the use of this technology," he added.

The Accenture Technology Vision 2023 report identifies four key trends, below.

Digital Identity

The ability to authenticate users and digital assets, which are the basis for exploring the digital and physical world, is now seen by 98 percent of executives in Indonesia as a business strategy that must be implemented.

My Data, Your Data, Our Data

AI cannot reach full potential if companies do not use data optimally, meaning they must break down Silo data and modernize their data foundations. Accenture found 94 percent of executives in Indonesia agree that data transparency is the key to the advantage that is the difference for their companies.

Generative AI

Encouraging human ability as a co-pilot, creative partner and advisor, almost all executives agree that a generating AI will create creativity and innovation (99 percent). They, as many as 98 percent, are also amazed by the unprecedented rate of AI innovation.

Our Forever Frontier

The balance between science and technology that occurs is accelerating by accelerating each other's progress. As many as 100 percent of respondents in Indonesia believe this will be the main driver for the various breakthroughs that will occur in their industry in the next decade.

"We believe the adoption of this trend can encourage companies to innovate and produce new business products, services, and models. The adoption and active utilization of AI and digital technology will also contribute to the growth and development of Indonesia's digital economy, and increase our competitiveness," said Bhargava.

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