JAKARTA - A Salvadoran teenager who has completed the El Salvador Bitcoin diploma program, "Mi Primer Bitcoin" or "My First Bitcoin", shared his life journey after completing the program. Now, Gerardo Moran has returned to his old high school to educate teachers on Bitcoin.
In a series of tweets on July 8, the 18-year-old revealed that Mi Primer Bitcoin, backed by the El Salvador Ministry of Education, allowed him to leave a construction job that only "makes 6 dollars a day".
Hi, my name is Gerardo Moran.
I’m a 18 year old salvadorian who just came out from high school, where I had the chance to graduate from @MyfirstBitcoin_ #BitcoinDiploma.
Now I’m a teacher myself👨🏫
Here’s my story🧵🔻 pic.twitter.com/9pUgLlYIBT
— GerardoMPB (@gerardomoran414) July 7, 2023
Moran revealed that he has been working since he was 11 years old, mainly in construction and tourism, and could never understand why Salvadorans work so hard for so little in return.
"I'm trying to find out why people in my country work so hard for so little pay," Moran said on Twitter, adding that he himself works for so little.
"Making $6 a day with construction work was no longer possible for me, so I quit not knowing an opportunity was in sight," he says.
Moran explained that his school announced the acceptance of students interested in taking a Bitcoin diploma course, so he signed up and quickly succeeded in the course.
Moran reveals that he now "leads Bitcoin education" in his hometown, training and teaching Bitcoin diplomas to a group of eight senior teachers at his old high school, Antonio J. Alfaro.
Previously, Cointelegraph reported that Mi Primer Bitcoin has raised over 1 BTC in donations from Bitcoin education advocates around the world.
From Poland to Canada, people around the world are sending Satoshi's coins through the Lightning Network to support El Salvador's growing Bitcoin diploma program.
In August 2022, El Salvador's Director of Education, Gilberto Motto, told Cointelegraph that the government is focusing on educating its citizens about Bitcoin, especially youth.
"If we could reach every 16 or 17-year-old in the country, we would effectively teach the entire country in one year because this demographic is so strategic. They would go home and talk to their parents, aunts, uncles, younger siblings," he said.
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