JAKARTA - Google announced that it will provide 11,000 additional Google Career Certificates (GCC) scholarships to the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), and Telkom Indonesia.

Google will provide the three new certificates for IT Support, Data Analysis, UX Design, Digital & E-Commerce Marketing, Project Management, and Cyber Security.

"Since 2018, more than 19,000 Indonesians have received Google Career Certificates in the IT Support, Data Analysis, and UX Design fields. There are about 85 percent of them reporting positive impacts on careers," said Randy Jusuf, Managing Director, Google Indonesia in his remarks at the Grow with Google event, Thursday, June 15 in Jakarta.

For that reason, Google is now launching a new certificate for Digital & E-Commerce Marketing, Project Management, and Cyber Security.

"This is the fourth year we are working with the Ministry of Communication and Information's DTS (Digital Talent Scholarship) program and we believe this scholarship will help more people realize their career dreams," he explained.

New research by Economist Impact, conducted with Google support, revealed that according to 77 percent of employees in Indonesia, companies now tend to prioritize real skills instead of qualifying on paper in the recruitment process.

Survei yang dilakukan dalam periode waktu November 2022 hingga Januari 2023 terhadap 1.375 karyawan di seluruh Asia Pacific, termasuk 100 di Indonesia mengungkapkan bahwa mereka melihat analisis dan visualisasi data (56%), IT support (51%), serta pemasaran digital dan e-commerce (48%) sebagai kalang teknologi lanjut yang paling penting untuk dimiliki di pasar kerja saat ini.

In this event too, Google is also still opening Batch 2 registration for the Bangkit 2023 program for at least 4,000 more students/i to join around August.

"At the end of this year, we hope that there will be more than 12,000 graduates who have advanced skills in machine learning, cloud computing, and cellular development to meet the requests of employers in various industries," he concluded.

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