JAKARTA - There are only a few days left for the Google Stadia cloud gaming service, which will soon be closed on January 18. Even if it means you'll lose access to certain games, there are several developers who come up with ways you can still play, and Ubisoft is one of them.
A video game company based in France has previously announced that they will make it easier for players to transfer their existing games on Stadia to other platforms using Ubisoft Connect.
However, it turns out that Ubisoft is not the only one taking further steps towards closing the Stadia service. Here are some options you can try to keep playing your favorite game titles apart from Google Stadia.
Cyberpunk 2077: Developer CD Projekt Red allows you to bring data from Cyberpunk 20177 to your PC by downloading it manually using Google Takeout. You can visit the help site https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/stadia/sp-technical/issue/1709/where-are-my-game-saves-located-1.
Destiny 2: To move your Destiny 2 character from Stadia to another platform, you must enable cross-save before January 18th. To make the transfer, you can visit the official Bungie site here: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/10347044092564-Save-Your-Stadia-Characters.
HITMAN 3: Developer IO Interactive is letting players do a one-time “Stadia Progression Carryover” to bring their game progress to PC via Windows, Steam, or Epic Games, Xbox, or PlayStation.
You must link your IOI account to your Stadia account before the Stadia server shuts down. According to its support page, IO Interactive expects to unlock the built-in tool on January 11, but you can link your account now to prepare.
The Elder Scrolls Online: If you play Bethesda's fantasy MMO on Stadia, you can log in to your Elder Scrolls Online account on the Bethesda website and then download and play the game on PC and Mac.
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