WhatsApp Vs Messenger, Which Is Better At Making Video Calls?
Differences in video calling using Messenger and WhatsApp (photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - WhatsApp and Messenger are two very popular social messaging applications. They both look the same, but have different qualities.

The difference between the two can be seen from various angles. But now, VOI will discuss the differences of this messaging application in making video calls or Video Calls.

Video Quality

Unlike other video calling apps like Skype or Zoom, Messenger and WhatsApp tend to compromise more on bad or unstable networks.

Messenger will try to maintain the quality or turn off the call completely. WhatsApp, on the other hand, tends to lower the video quality in an attempt to accommodate even the worst connections.

For better video calling, you can use WhatsApp. In addition, WhatsApp can maintain your video links on 3G and 2G connections even with minimal image quality.

Group Call

It's even more fun if you make video calls with a large family or with more people in it. That's why both of these apps have a group calling feature.

WhatsApp can only allow a maximum of eight participants per video call, while for Messenger, the app has room for a maximum of 50 people.

To provide a better video calling experience, you can use Messenger to do so.

Call Features

For WhatsApp's video calling feature, remote visual interaction will only allow you to see and chat with each other. While in Messenger, they provide more features than that.

In Messenger, you can play games and watch movies with other video call participants right from the Messenger app. This can be a great option for long-distance family get-togethers or watching movies together even from far away.

Messenger has a "screen sharing" feature similar to Zoom. This feature is certainly a feature that you cannot use if you are using video calls on WhatsApp.

But in the end, it will come back to your individual choice. What makes you feel comfortable and safe in making video calls between using Messenger or WhatsApp.

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