CENTRAL LOMBOK - Central Lombok Police Criminal Investigation Unit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) arrested a father with the initials M from East Praya District, for allegedly having intercourse (rudapaksa) against his biological child who is still a student.
"The perpetrator M was arrested, because he was suspected of having intercourse with his biological child who was still a student," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Luk Il Maqnum as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, January 5.
He said the perpetrator's lecherous actions against the victim were first carried out on January 6, where the perpetrator initially called the victim to his room.
"When the victim entered, the perpetrator immediately forced the victim to have sex," he said.
Meanwhile, when carrying out the depraved act, the perpetrator covered the victim's mouth with his hands so that the victim could not scream.
"The perpetrator also carried out the action when the victim's mother was not at home," he said.
According to information from the victim, the perpetrator has carried out the action twice and the two perpetrators carried out the action on December 29, 2024.
"The perpetrator also wanted to take the action for the third time, but the victim managed to escape and went straight into his room and locked the door of his room," he said.
The victim, continued the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, immediately fled to his grandmother's house and told about the incident and at that time the victim's mother was at her grandmother's house.
Hearing the victim's story, his mother immediately reported the incident to the police.
The victim's mother then immediately reported the incident to the Central Lombok Police. We have secured the perpetrator at the Police Headquarters for further investigation," he said.
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