MUKOMUKO - Fire and Rescue Service (Damkarmat) Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, reported that a fire broke out in a resident's house in Sumber Makmur Village, Sungai Rumbai District as a result of burning mosquito medicine.
"We have received reports from officers in the field regarding the cause of the fire in the house of a resident of Sumber Makmur Village due to burning mosquito poison," said Head of the Mukomuko Regency Fire and Rescue Service (Damkarmat) Ramdani when contacted from Mukomuko, Antara, Sunday, January 5.
The fire occurred last Saturday before dawn prayers. The house belongs to a resident named Barul, a resident of Sumber Makmur Village, Sungai Rumbai District.
No house building can be saved.
The closest fire engine from the location of the fire was in Ipuh District or about 30 kilometers from the scene. This area has five fire engines operating and is spread over one unit in Ipuh District, one in Penarik District, one in Lubuk Pinang District, and two in Mukomuko City District.
There are still two fire engines that were damaged behind the Mukomuko Satpol PP Office, but until now the car has not been repaired.
For this reason, he said, the agency proposes that every sub-district has a fire engine so that it usually reaches all areas of this area.
Meanwhile, he said his agency in 2024 handled 17 incidents of house and land fires that had occurred in the area since January 2024, consisting of nine house fires and eight land fires.
"Many houses that burned could not be saved because the range of the scene of the fire with the area where the fire engines were too far away," said Ramdani.
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