JAKARTA - KOORUI, one of the big names in the screen industry, will introduce its newest product at CES 2025. Visitors are invited to see firsthand this innovation at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

The main highlight of the KOORUI exhibition is the G7, the world's first consumer gaming monitor with a refresh rate of 750Hz. The monitor is designed to meet gamers' competitive needs with very fine visuals for fast games.

G7 main specifications:

Mass production of this monitor is scheduled for 2025, with a global launch soon after.

In addition to the G7, KOORUI will also show off:

Apart from KOORUI, other brands such as Gigabyte and MSI also present their innovations at CES 2025:

With the launch of this 750Hz gaming monitor, KOORUI sets new standards in the industry, making it the main choice for professional gamers.

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