The case of alleged sexual abuse by a 14-year-old boy against a 5-year-old girl in Pancoran, South Jakarta received a response from the police, South Jakarta Metro Police. After the victim's parents reported the incident that happened to their daughter, the police conducted an examination of witnesses and victims.

The police's explanation based on the examination of witnesses and victims, explained that the victim's sexual abuse was carried out twice at the same time.

Still explained by the police, the second action carried out by the perpetrator was when the victim returned home crying because she felt pain in her genitals.

At that time the victim went home himself to his house, he was followed by the perpetrator. Even in a state of crying, the victim was again forced by the perpetrator to repeat bad deeds.

"Then the action continued in the alley. There was a small alley, and even then he did something bad in the small alley. His brother didn't see it," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Nurma when confirmed, Monday, January 6.

After carrying out the action, the perpetrator left the victim at the scene, in the alley. The victim was still crying at the location, until he finally returned home and reported the incident to his parents.

Suddenly the victim's parents who knew about the incident immediately became furious and reported the alleged perpetrator to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Saturday, January 4, evening.

"The afternoon it happened. Then the night the victim's father made a police report," he said.

The act of obscenity in the alley is the second time that the perpetrator has committed to the same victim. Previously, the first act of the perpetrator molested the victim at a mosque not far from the victim's house.

At that time the victim and the perpetrator were playing in the mosque area. Both, the victim and the perpetrator were indeed playing friends. But who would have thought that the perpetrator did this indecent thing to his own 5-year-old friend.

This case is handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police.

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