JAKARTA - Meta is claimed to be discontinuing Instagram and Facebook operations in Europe in the near future. If this news is true, then all Europeans will no longer be able to play social media.

According to reports, this stems from European data regulations that prevent Meta from digesting European data on American servers.

Meta said, the ability to process user data between countries is very important for its business both operationally and for ad targeting.

In European law, it is true that to protect user privacy by safeguarding user data in the jurisdiction of the European Union (EU) has canceled the previous system.

So, since Meta couldn't reach a new data-sharing deal, it threatened to leave the continent taking Facebook and Instagram with it.

"If we are unable to transfer data between and between the countries and territories in which we operate, or if we are prohibited from sharing data between our products and services, it may affect our ability to provide services, how we provide our services, or our ability to provide services targeting ads," Meta said in a statement.

But citing Mashable, Monday, February 7, Meta clarified that it would be able to reach a new deal this year, but if not, they would completely leave Europe.

"We will likely not be able to offer some of our most significant products and services, including Facebook and Instagram, in Europe," said Meta.

Meta's VP of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, told CityAM London financial media that if Meta left Europe, it would have an impact on small businesses.

"We urge regulators to adopt a proportionate and pragmatic approach to minimize disruption to the thousands of businesses that, like Facebook, have relied on these mechanisms in good faith to transfer data in a safe and secure manner," Clegg said.

Today many businesses rely on Facebook and Instagram ads to connect with customers and sell their products. So of course this is a threat to Europe.

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