JAKARTA - Apple has just removed the "Wordle" clone from the App Store. It started when users complained that the tech giant's online store was being flooded with copycats.

Over the past month, the Wordle app has become popular with hundreds of thousands of players every day. Wordle is a time-based word building game created by Steven Cravotta more than five years ago.

Now all that's left in the App Store is a game with the title "Wordle!". Apple removed several Wordle clones from its App Store. The impersonator of the popular wordplay received strong backlash from fans after several developers charged for their mobile versions of the game.

However, the original game can be accessed for free. The copycat game The Wannabes Wordle costs 1 to 2 US dollars, while one version has an annual subscription of 30 US dollars.

Meanwhile, according to data analytics company App Annie, another game Downloads of Cravotta's Wordle! rose to nearly 40,000 downloads on January 1, up 850 percent from the previous week.

The game has reached the top 10 among all wordplays in seven countries and is No. 1 of the word games in Ireland on 8 January. Wordle! currently No. 4th among word games in the United States (US) App Store.

Similarly, What Word – Wordle, which launched on iOS last week, had nearly 20,000 downloads worldwide on January 1.

What Word - Wordle also reached the top 10 among all word games in 14 countries on iOS and No. 1st among wordplays in English, Icelandic and Dutch on January 8. However, the game appears to be no longer available on the US App Store.

Not only in the App Store, Google with its Play Store also has many Wordle clones. Unfortunately, the company did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether they would be removed or left alone. This was quoted from CNET and Indian Express, Thursday, January 13.

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