JAKARTA - Grok, an AI chatbot that was originally integrated with social media X (Twitter), is now available as an independent application in the United States. Owner X, Elon Musk, launched Grok in 2023 after developing it through his xAI company.

Grok is known as a chatbot that is more relaxed and "cutic" than other chatbots such as ChatGPT, which is more serious and stiff.

Grok's app description says that Grok is designed to be "honerly, as useful and as curious as possible."

xAI has been testing the iOS version of the beta app Grok in Australia since December, and now the app is starting to expand to other countries. Grok will also be available as a web-based app.

The Grok app features Grok 2, the latest version of this chatbot. Its features include image creation, provision of up-to-date information from X and web data, as well as useful ability to create images, improve the quality of writing, and learning. Grok can be downloaded via the App Store for iPhone and iPad devices.

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