JAKARTA - The official YouTube account of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) is undergoing a hack, where the profile photo looks different from before turning into a profile of Ethereum crypto assets.

The channel was previously owned by BNPB Indonesia and is now Ethereum 2.0. The channel is now broadcasting a discussion about crypto by the founder of Ethereum itself, Vitalik Buterin, and has been conducting live broadcasts that have been monitored since this morning.

The BNPB Indonesia YouTube channel usually broadcasts information about natural disasters, webinars, and press releases. From the observations of VOI, the last video uploaded by the channel includes a discussion of the International Briefing Season related to COVID-19 and a video about reviewing the location after the eruption of Mount Semeru.

So far, no old Indonesian BNPB videos or playlists have been deleted by the hacker. Unfortunately, until now, BNPB has not responded to the hack.

For your information, Ethereum 2.0 also known as ETH2 or “Serenity”, is an upgrade of the Ethereum blockchain. This upgrade aims to increase the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the Ethereum network so that it can process more transactions and reduce congestion.

With blockchains like Ethereum, there is a need to validate transactions in a decentralized way.

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