JAKARTA – Recently a man who claims to be the inventor of Bitcoin officially won a lawsuit in a United States court. The figure of the man named Craig Wright, a computer scientist from Australia. In 2016, Wright admitted that he was Satoshi Nakamoto. However, his acknowledgment was doubted by various circles.

The lawsuit was filed in a US court by the family of a man. Wright's former business partner was the late David Kleiaman. On Monday, December 6, Wright won a civil case that was sued by the Kleiman family.

According to MSN, Wright's lawyers have repeatedly said that David Kleiman and Wright were friends and collaborated on joint work, but that their partnership had nothing to do with bitcoin's creation or initial operations.

Wright said he plans to donate most of his bitcoin fortune to charity if he wins the trial. In an interview, Wright's attorney, Rivero, reiterated Wright's plan to donate the bulk of his bitcoin fortune.

The late David Kleiman, who was a former business partner of Wright, was a computer forensics expert. The Kleiman family is suing for half of the Bitcoin holdings of 1.1 million BTC mined and held by Satoshi Nakamoto's cache. Now that 1.1 million Bitcoins are worth 54 billion US dollars (equivalent to Rp777.6 trillion).

Reporting from CNBC International, the plaintiffs are also demanding the rights to a number of the intellectual property behind the invention of the first generation blockchain technology. Prosecutors also argue that Kleiman was a co-creator of Bitcoin, along with Wright, giving him the rights to half of Satoshi Nakamoto's assumed wealth. But a federal court judge in West Palm Beach ultimately won Wright and refused to give Bitcoin to the Kleiman family.

However, the court required Wright to pay damages for infringement of intellectual property rights related to the company founded by Wright and Kleiman, W&K Info Defense Research LLC. Therefore, Wright was ordered to pay 100 million US dollars (approximately Rp1.4 trillion) into a company account and not into Kleiman's account.

"We are very grateful that our client, W&K Information Defense Research LLC, has won $100,000,000 reflecting that Craig Wright wrongfully took bitcoin-related assets from W&K," said a W&K advisor.

According to a beincrypto.com report, the case went on for years, and Wright firmly stated in court on several occasions that he invented Bitcoin. If Wright were to lose the case, it would allow him to prove that he had access to Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin. Unfortunately, for the family who wanted to see him prove it, Wright only had to pay $100 million to Kleiman over the alleged abuse and unlawful use.

“This is an excellent result, and I feel completely vindicated,” Wright said in a video posted to Twitter following the federal judge's ruling in his favor over the Kleiman family's Bitcoin ownership lawsuit.

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