JAKARTA For some people, Google Chrome is an application that must be accessed every day. This Google-made browser has various features to support data productivity and security.
Although security is always noticed by Google, users still have to implement several strategies so that Chrome can protect privacy optimally. Here are some ways you can do, citing from Makeuseof.
Deactivating Ads in Chrome
The first way to protect privacy in Chrome is to limit the appearance of ads. Like platforms in general, the ads displayed have been adjusted to the user's online activities so that the ads viewed can match the target.
If you think this habit of reading online activities violates privacy, you can turn off your features. The method is quite easy, you just need to open the Privacy and Security menu in the settings, then turn off the three features in Ad Privacy.
Pay Attention to Permits Periodically
All websites have different permissions so users can access them. Some want to access locations, cameras, microphones, to notifications of their users' devices. Sometimes, this permission is not noticed so that your privacy is not maintained.
Therefore, you must monitor your permission regularly through the Site Settings menu in Privacy and Security. You can monitor what permissions you have given and what websites are allowed. Delete permission to websites that are deemed unnecessary.
Clear Exploration Data
Next, if you want to maximize the security of Chrome privacy, you can delete browsing data. The reason is, trackers from third parties often take advantage of your browsing data to see your history or habits in Chrome.
To delete it, you just need to press the Ctrl + Shift + Delete shortcut on the keyboard. If you want to keep browsing data there, you can protect privacy in other ways, namely blocking cookies for third parties.
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