JAKARTA The largest obstacle match (PHR) in the world, titledtarian Race, will be held for the first time in Indonesia

The event, which took place in the obstacle race, is planned to be held on May 25, 2024, nearest at the Formula E Circuit, Ancol Beach City Area, North Jakarta.

The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Dito Ariotedjo, welcomed this event because the obstacle race will participate in the 2028 Olympics which will take place in Los Angeles, California, United States.

"It is certain that the government will be present in this activity because in the future the obstacle race will be global," Dito said at a press conference at the Kemenpora Office, Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

Dance Race founded by Joe De Sena in 2007 has previously hosted more than 155 matches in 38 countries and has served more than 1.5 million participants each year.

This huge euphoria made the obstacle race integrated into the Olympic Modern Pentathlon with fencing, swimming, and laser runs.

Menpora mengatakan masuknya sport obstacle race ke Olimpiade otomatis mendorong Indonesia untuk perlu menyiapkan atletnya. Karena itu, 170 Race pun diharapkan bisa menjadi stimulus.

"This event will be a trigger to increase euphoria and popularity. The basis is that Indonesia can definitely do obstacles, it's just a matter of how we manage it," he said.

The Indonesian edition of the Obstacle race has the potential to be attended by three thousand participants. So far, around two thousand participants have been confirmed to participate in the event.

Dito said that in the future it is possible that the same event will take place exclusively in Indonesia and other cities.

"Earlier we spoke. There are several other cities that have been looked at, including Bali, West Java, and Medan. The potentials of other cities are different," said the Menpora.

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